Let’s face it— sometimes, we just don’t have the time or motivation to get our daily exercise done. Aside from planned workouts, we actually burn a good deal of calories from simple regular movements, such as walking. Here are five ways that you can increase your physical activity by tweaking the daily tasks that you’re already doing.

1. Park further away

Whenever we drive somewhere, we always look for the closest parking spot so that we don’t have to walk far. However, this is a missed opportunity to get some extra steps in (plus, you’ll likely save yourself a lot of stress from not finding an empty spot). Next time you’re parking somewhere, try to go a bit further away from the entrance. These daily steps add up.

2. Make physical activity a social event

Usually, when we catch up with friends, it’s over coffee or a meal. Try integrating physical activity into your social life so that you make it something you look forward to. Instead of going out for dinner, go on a walk together. This way, you can still talk and catch up, but you’ll be moving your body while you do it. You can also do other fun activities together, such as skating, rock climbing, or a fun fitness class. It’s always more fun to exercise when you’re doing it with a friend.

3. Move when you’re on the phone

All these seemingly little movements throughout the day can add up and contribute a lot to your overall step count and the number of calories that you burn. When you’re texting or talking on the phone, pace back and forth or walk around the house. Over time, it will become a habit, and you won’t even think about it as you do it.

4. Take a bike or walk instead of driving

If you’re going somewhere that’s not too far, try riding your bike or walk there instead of driving or taking a bus. If the destination is too far and you are taking public transit, you can walk to the next station over instead of the one closest to you and get off a few stops early to walk the rest of the way.

5. Get up when you’re sitting

If you have an office job or are working at your desk all day, you are probably spending the majority of your day sitting down, which can be unhealthy and especially bad for your posture. Take advantage of your lunch break, and take a quick stroll. Get some fresh air. Even throughout your working hours, remember to get up off your chair and even just walk to the bathroom or end of the hallway every so often.

You can also do some of your work standing up, when at all possible. If you work from home, consider getting a standing or height-adjustable desk, or sit on a medicine ball instead of a chair.

How do you keep moving during the day? Comment below to let us know!